Saturday, January 24, 2009

Snow? Haha!

Everyone else is posting about weather so I thought I'd rub it in that I have absolutely amazing weather here.  It's warm and beautiful every day, and cuddly cats continue to roam the streets.  My roommate turned out to be amazing, but she moved out.  So now I'm going to get a new Israeli roommate plus I'm friends with my old one so I guess I'll get two Israeli acquaintances for the price of one.  I switched into a higher Hebrew class, and I'm doing pretty well in it so yay.  One of my American friends had her birthday this weekend so a group of us celebrated by going to Tel-Aviv and hanging out with some of her Israeli friends from camp and going to a club.  She has a friend from camp who showed us around, and we met his army friends who told me all about what it was like serving in Gaza back when there were settlers Hebrew...and I understood!  They had some really great stories.  And all in all, it was really fun to be in Tel-Aviv.  Meanwhile, here in Jerusalem, there's a coffee shop right next to my dorm that has amazing sandwiches and free internet...they already know me by name!  I have discovered shoko, a milk drink with chocolate in it that is amazing when hot.  I think we should change the name of this blog to Coffee, Tea, Vodka, and Guinness...and Shoko!  My Hebrew classes are only a few hours a day, and my semester doesn't start until Feb. 22 so basically I'm having a great time here relaxing and enjoying the city.



About Our Blog

Lindsay, Chiara, D'or, Jesse, and Elizabeth are students at Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut, studying abroad for the Spring 2009 semester.

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